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October 22, 2005

Hi EJ,

I am sending along a little update on what’s happening
here and I will write more in a couple of weeks! I hope you are having
a great weekend and that everybody is well. More news soon. Take care,

Update from Soft Power Health

Things are moving right along! The demand for mosquito
nets is growing and I hope that we can continue to meet that need! We
are off to a good start as we took delivery of 1000 mosquito nets this
past week and have set up four Malaria education sessions and net sales
for this coming week with many more in the works. Jessica Mugerwa our
local Malaria educator did a great job of following up on most of our
previously sold nets over the summer with various volunteers. It is very
encouraging to know that the nets are hanging and helping people stay
healthy and saving lives! Storing 1000 nets is also a challenge but thanks
to Chris and Georgie from Soft Power Education, they have donated their
garage space for net storage. In addition, we are storing nets at the
clinic and in my banda! It certainly is cozy, me, the nets, and all my
kayaking gear! The clinic is looking great too. We are painting it yellow
and planting a garden around the outside. Our water tank and plumbing
system is complete and the solar power should be installed by the end
of next week , just in time for the district health inspector to come
and say that we are OK to function as a clinic. In addition, I begin the
interview process on Monday for a doctor and nurse for the clinic, so
everything is moving forward. We will also have volunteers arriving shortly
and I hope that proves an interesting and benifical experience for all
of us. The mighty Nile is gorgeous as ever, a little lower than when I
was last here but absolutely magnificent. Features like 50/50 and surf
city are in which is great because we didn’t see them at all last time
and they are a welcome relaxer at the end of a long day. In addition,
Nile Special has been primo. Lots of work to do and lots of good paddling
to be done too!
