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By Stephen Wright

Jeremy and I spent yesterday moving down to the Hairy Lemon Island on the Day 2 section of the White Nile. It?s always fun driving through the villages around here because the kids run out and yell, ?Jambo mazungu!? Roughly translated, this means, ?Hello white man!?. Now we?re paddling the Nile Special wave twice a day and relaxing in the shade in between. There?s no electricity here, but there IS wireless internet go figure! Billy Harris and Carly just arrived at lunch time, so now there are more than 5 of us here.

Before we left, I took my video camera down the river to shoot Ugly Sisters, which was our last day at Day 1. I added some photos and edited-out a little video (QuickTime, 3.2 MB) of paddling there. What a wave! It?s another tough Monday at the office. Enjoy the video!

Live from an island in the middle of the Nile,
Stephen Wright