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By Jay Kincaid

We have been getting some storms during the last week and our water table is now getting better. The forecast calls for a new storm at least every other day threw the new year. If all goes to plan, well my plan, I will be surfing high water on the Truckee in no time.

I just got a phone message from EJ wondering if I was planning on training this winter. I thought that seemed a little weird as I can never remember a winter of not training. I’m Jay Kincaid, I’ve got a great training partner in Jason Craig, you had better believe that I am going to be training this winter!!! Come Spring time, I am bringing the heat, like I always do!

I had a muzzleloader deer hunt last week and after a ton of hard work was able to getting a really big mature buck. He is my biggest deer ever and I am very excited about getting him. I would attach a picture but I am afraid that some people may be offended by seeing food not pre packaged and not in a grocery store. With that said, I think that I will take my chances and attach a photo, and a couple other photos of my dogs and myself bird hunting.

Other then that I have been working for the Reno River Festival and praying for high water.

I hope that everyone has a great Christmas, and Boxing Day for you Canadians. Oh, and New years too!

Jay Kincaid


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