Wait for it: the Art of Timing you Boof by JT Hartman | Mar 4, 2020 | Creeking, Nirvana, Playboating, Whitewater, Whitewater Instruction, WW DisciplinesBoofing is one of the most important skills to develop as you step into the realm of class IV and V. It allows you to punch through and get over larger, more powerful features that would otherwise swallow you whole. While everyone claims to have discovered the one...
Saut du Doubs by thomasneime | Dec 5, 2019 | France, Internationalisation, NirvanaThis one was on our list since a long time! It’s the first thing I thought after I accomplished my first descent of this waterfall. The last 22nd of October we went to the Jura area with the goal of paddling and doing the first descent of the tallest drop ever done in...
Ecuador – The Land of the Boof by Sean Morley | Jan 23, 2014 | WhitewaterEcuador – The Land of the Boof [Boof: The act of lifting the bow of a whitewater kayak while going over rocks, waves, or waterfalls, in order to launch over hydraulics (“holes”) or rocks.] When my boss Marty Cronin invited me to Ecuador with the Jackson...
Karma!!!!! From one Stomping Machine to the Next!!!! by Hunt Jennings | Jan 5, 2013 | WhitewaterKarma Review: Hey Guys, here are a couple of thoughts that I had on the new Karma! I am loving this boat! These are a couple of differences that I noticed in switching from the Villain S to the medium Karma. Also, just an overview of the boat in General!!! And a video...