The Lower Kynshi by kalobgrady | Dec 10, 2019 | Antix, JAdventures Main Banner, River Running, Trip Reports, Whitewater FeatureThe Lower Kynshi River has been labelled by some as the best river in the World. Since its discovery, and through its first descents, the early exploration of this major river system revealed to its founders the true magic within the walls of the Kynshi. The Kynshi is...
NOC Shoot Out: Update from Canada’s Worlds Hopeful: Kalob Grady by JK Team | Apr 17, 2011 | Rockstar, WhitewaterKalob is currently sitting in second place at the NOC Shoot Out and was kind enough to write this quick, radical update for us: Check it Out: This years annual NOC shootout started off with a great atmosphere on Friday night. Despite the rainy weather, all...