Beginners Guide to Kayak Musky Fishing by | Nov 20, 2020 | Bite, Featured Post, Fishbrain Premium Content, Fishing, Fishing Feature, JAdventures Main Banner, LiskaBeginners Guide to Kayak Musky Fishing Welcome to the Beginners Guide to Kayak Musky Fishing. Kayak Musky fishing can be brutal! Kayak Musky gear is hard on your wallet, there is a high probability of blood, guaranteed sweat and most likely a shed tear or two! There...
Musky and Bass Kayak Fishing in Canada – Part 1 by Dennis Kieselhorst | Nov 8, 2019 | Freshwater, Freshwater Fishing, Germany, Internationalisation, JAdventures Main Banner, LiskaKayak Fishing in Canada has been at the top of my bucket list for years and I was able to fulfill that dream a few weeks ago. After preparing for weeks and watching musky fishing videos on YouTube every night, my family took me to the airport in my hometown of Bremen...
Missing Summer Time Musky! by Nathan Rees | Mar 29, 2019 | Coosa FD, Fishing, Internationalisation, United States, VideoAs winter has finally set in here in WV it’s hard not to look back over last years videos and reminisce. It was a hot summer full of rain but when the water would be right the fish were biting. Here is a little throw back video of a musky on the fly catch out of...
Camping and kayaking by Brian Cadoret | Feb 14, 2019 | Big Rig, Family Zone, Fishing, Internationalisation, Outdoor Adventures, United StatesI often have small random windows to fish. Sometimes I will have a full day and take advantage with a long float in the JK Big Rig or head a few hours from home and fish new water. Often solo because it’s hard link up with friends on a short notice. However at least 3...
The Madness of Musky by Tanner Speidel | Dec 5, 2018 | Fishing, Fishing Subjects, RiggingSome people go fishing just to catch fish and to get outside, some people go fishing purposed to catch monsters. Some people go fishing to enjoy beautiful weather and warm temperatures, some people go regardless of rain and cold. To those who relate with the latter...
Pitch Back Musky in the Coosa HD! by Nathan Rees | Aug 29, 2018 | Coosa HD, Fishing, Internationalisation, United States, VideoThe title says it all. Watch as I capture the perfect predator/prey relationship between the musky and what it thinks is dinner! I was able to stay calm and collect myself to get a one in a million second chance at catching the fish of 10,000 cast. Hope you all enjoy...
The Greenbrier by Blace Hutchens | Sep 20, 2017 | FishingThe Greenbrier is 173 miles of pristine, crystal clear river. It is one of the longest free flowing rivers in the world that is not dammed. I believe the name comes from the beautiful green hue the water seems to retain in the deeper pools or maybe it is named for...
Musky Hunt in the Kilroy DT by Nathan Rees | Jan 22, 2017 | Fishing, Kilroy DTI bought the Kilroy DT with the idea of using it as the perfect “guide” kayak. The platform and design is laid out perfectly to have one angler in the back focusing on paddling/guiding while the other stands/sits in the front focusing solely on fishing and...
My First Musky Hunt by Eric Atkins | Jan 20, 2017 | Cuda HD, Fishing, Lure reviews, Rigging(rigging our kayaks at the launch) My first musky fishing trip resulted in my fellow unnamed anglers and I catching no musky. Apparently, that is just something you have to get used to when you go musky fishing in creeks and rivers. This day, the four of us hit a...
That’s why they call it fishing! by Nathan Rees | Jul 22, 2014 | Big Rig, Fishing, Fly FishingWhen I first purchased my Big Rig it’s main purpose and function was to be my primary musky fishing vessel. The water here in WV has been marginal at best since the beginning of summer and I hadn’t gotten a chance to get my boat into any of my local musky...
The Fish of 1,000 Casts: My First River Musky by Evan Howard | Dec 27, 2012 | Cuda, Fishing, Fishing Reports, Freshwater, Freshwater Fishing, riversStalking the fish of 1,000 casts took me on one of the most interesting, trying and tiring missions of my fishing career. Attending the 2012 Jackson Dealer Summit brought me to gorgeous, middle Tennessee for a day on the water. A rude alarm clock ended the restless...
Esox masquinongy, aka Musky by Brooks Beatty | Feb 4, 2012 | Cuda, Fishing, Fishing Reports, Fly FishingWell I can’t say this was my first time fishing for Muskies, but it was my second. A month or so before this trip, Drew and I, were on the way back from a River Bassin Tournament in Fayetteville, AR and Sparta, TN was a good stopping place. Cory at the time was a...