An Amazing Overnight with the Dynamic Duo by Micah Kneidl | May 8, 2019 | Dynamic Duo, River Running, rivers, Whitewater, WW DisciplinesI recently was very fortunate to paddle one of the best overnight river trips in the world – the Jarbidge and Bruneau Rivers in southern Idaho. A few of my close paddling friends organized the trip and the timing worked out well – we had high water and...
5 tips to make your first overnight a great one: by teamjk | Dec 14, 2018 | Creeking, Instructional, River Running, Whitewater, Whitewater Instruction, WW Disciplines1. Pack good food! A lot of the time people get the idea that they need to pack a small amount of food that is really light and yes it does make it easier to carry your boat and makes it a little bit lighter. But there is nothing better than pulling out a tasty dinner...
Grand Adventures in little boats: A Grand Canyon Self-Support by Holcombe Family | Aug 5, 2014 | WhitewaterI’ve had a dream of kayaking the Colorado river through the Grand Canyon ever since my first year of paddling in 1996. Eighteen years is a long time to wait for something and over time my dream morphed from simply wanting to be invited on a raft trip, to maybe...
The Klamath Part II- Warmest water this side of the tropics by JK Fans | Jan 11, 2013 | Trip Reports, WhitewaterI met up with Danielle, founder of Rivers for Change, and her friend, Season, after they had already been on the river for a couple of days. The heat caught me unprepared and when I arrived at our meeting point, it was obvious that it had taken a toll on the two of...
Jessica’s 2012 – Surviving the Apocalypse by Jessica Yurtinus | Dec 30, 2012 | Whitewater“What. . . you’re taking more time off?” I am pretty sure I heard the above sentence from just about everyone this year. Patients, family, boss, bosses boss, friends, strangers, and I think the fat homeless guy down the street. Apparently I took a lot of time off. So....
Going Rogue on the Rogue! by Jenifer Jakub | Nov 30, 2012 | United States, WhitewaterBack in October, just after the close of permit season, two friends and I headed to the southwest corner of Oregon to hit up the classic Wild & Scenic Rogue river. We were self-supporting the classic 35 mile stretch from Grave Creek to Foster Bar. It’s a...
Rogue River Magic by Jessie Stone | Aug 17, 2012 | WhitewaterLast week, I made a wonderful trip back to the Rogue River in Oregon, the place I learned to kayak and also former home to the Sundance River Center, where I taught kayaking for many years. The Rogue is one of America’s gems. If you have not been down through the wild...
Selway River- ID- Unplugged by Jessica Yurtinus | Jul 24, 2012 | WhitewaterI don’t know if I did something right in a past life, but I sure was lucky to get a last minute invite from Jon Fairchild to join an amazing Reno contingency, including fellow JK teammate Ruth Ebens, on a 5 five day adventure down the Selway River in Idaho....