Ecuadorians waterfalls by thomasneime | Apr 28, 2019 | Creeking, France, Internationalisation, rivers, Trip Reports, Trips, Video, Whitewater, WW DisciplinesLast weekend we went to the Ecuadorian coast to paddle some rivers and waterfalls, it was the last day of Arthur Bernot for his trip and we enjoyed it. Look at those 2 nice drops at 2 hours from Quito. Cascada azul from NEIME Thomas on Vimeo.
Mexican Freeride by kalobgrady | Mar 8, 2019 | Antix, Canada, Creeking, Internationalisation, Trip Reports, Trips, Whitewater, WW DisciplinesThe jungles of Veracruz are a mystical place, where imaginations flourish and ideas come to life. In the spring of 2018; Nick Troutman, Dane Jackson and I orchestrating a quick mission to Veracruz state and the Alseseca river. Our goals were simple and...
Why Kayak in Mexico? by chad | Feb 18, 2019 | Creeking, Whitewater, WW DisciplinesI made it down to Veracruz again this year for warm weather, tacos, tequila, and kayaking. It’s so amazing to take a break from freezing temperatures and head south to spend some time padding the amazing rivers that Mexico has to offer. So why don’t more...
Back to Chile: A smash and grab by Dane Jackson | Oct 11, 2018 | Internationalisation, Nirvana, rivers, Trip Reports, Trips, United States, WhitewaterI might be flying back to TN today, but it wont be for long, as I am going back to Chile for a short and sweet smash and grab trip. I am gonna be heading south with Adrian Mattern as well as some fellow JK team members. This is a little earlier than I have headed...
Colorado Creekin’ Video by eliottbertz | Sep 26, 2018 | Creeking, Karma, rivers, Video, Whitewater, WW DisciplinesColorado has a diverse set of whitewater. Although it is always hard to pick favorites in whitewater, I have to admit Vallecito and Oh Be Joyful Creek may be my all-time favorite Colorado runs. I highly recommend going to experience either of these epic places if you...
First decents in the Antix! by tommypiros | Sep 20, 2018 | Antix, Creeking, rivers, Video, Whitewater, WW Disciplines View this post on Instagram A post shared by Tommy Piros (@tom_piros) on Apr 17, 2018 at 6:38am PDT Dreams do come true! Didn’t anticipate the speed enough and launched just a BIT too much but knew that was better than going deep on this...
A letter on growing up and staying in the game. by davecrerar | Sep 18, 2018 | Canada, Events, Internationalisation, WhitewaterAs we move from our carefree twenties into our thirties the looming call to conform to the “norm” becomes more and more insistent. There are responsibilities that crop up as we continue along life’s path that inevitably take time that we would otherwise spend...
8 Reasons why Iceland should be your next paddle adventure destination by teamjk | Aug 27, 2018 | rivers, Trip Reports, Trips, Whitewater1. Iceland has whitewater for all skill levels of paddlers. From class III on rivers like the West Glacial River and the Gullafoss Canyon of the Hvita River, to class V runs and waterfalls like the Keldua River and Aldeyjarfoss. Iceland is a paddlers dreams. Albeit...
Back to Chile: A smash and grab by Dane Jackson | Jul 22, 2018 | Internationalisation, Nirvana, rivers, Trip Reports, Trips, United States, Whitewater// July 22, 2018 Back to Chile: A smash and grab I might be flying back to TN today, but it wont be for long, as I am going back to Chile for a short and sweet smash and grab trip. I am gonna be heading south with Adrian Mattern as well as some fellow JK team members....
Seasons Change, and so do we . . . by heatherherbeck | Mar 8, 2018 | Creeking, Internationalisation, Trip Reports, Trips, United States, Whitewater, WW DisciplinesWhen people ask me how long I’ve been kayaking, I tell them about 10 years . . . but, the other day I stopped and actually added up the years in my head and it’s been almost 18 years! A lot has happened in 18 years. I went from being the paddler that...
Waterfallin’ by Brett Barton | Dec 25, 2017 | Creeking, Internationalisation, United States, Video, Whitewater, WW DisciplinesWaterfalls can be a lot of fun. Running waterfalls in winter can present other challenges you don’t think about until you’re on scene, like that log at the bottom being extra slick for setting safety. Or the rocks on the bank being iced over, making it...
Cuyahoga Falls Race 2017 – 3rd in Slalom by sethchapelle | Oct 29, 2017 | C1 Outfitting, Creeking, Event Coverage, Events, Karma, Karma Unlimited, rivers, Video, Whitewater, Wrap Ups, WW Disciplines2017 marked the second year of the Cuyahoga Falls race in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. That’s right, I said Ohio. I was very pleasantly surprised last year when I went to this race for its first year. I did not know that there was whitewater in Ohio until a couple...