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WV Surprise Run, Laurel Creek of the Elk

WV Surprise Run, Laurel Creek of the Elk

WV still has plenty of surprises   West Virginia still has some great surprises if you are into searching out some class 3/4 after a big rain storm. The staple runs in WV never let you down. But there are those days when rain is too much or it just missed your...
Sinking in West Virginia

Sinking in West Virginia

I missed out on sinking in a squirt boat last year when I moved to Virginia from Maine but didn’t miss out on kayaking. The James River was pumping last summer so I was OK but really missed going underwater until this summer I found a happy place in West...
Early winter bass fishing on the west coast

Early winter bass fishing on the west coast

Early winter fishing can be frustrating for most and I would be the one probably leading the pack. That’s why it’s good to bring a friend to help figure out what could be a bad day of fishing might turn out to be a great day, worst case scenario you get some great...
Back to Bama

Back to Bama

Hey guys! After 6 months of living in the PNW my wife, dog and I have made the trek back to Alabama from Washington State. We had an absolute blast exploring a new to us part of the country, and it was a great way to spend our first  6 months of marriage. Over...

5 ways Gauleyfest CAN be a family friendly event

Gauleyfest is the largest paddling festival in North America. It is held in mid-September in the town of Summersville, West Virginia and is THE main fundraiser for American Whitewater Association (AWA) each year. Picture you and 4000 of your closest friends converging...

The Greenbrier

The Greenbrier is 173 miles of pristine, crystal clear river. It is one of the longest free flowing rivers in the world that is not dammed. I believe the name comes from the beautiful green hue the water seems to retain in the deeper pools or maybe it is named for...

A Journey To The Falls

Join me on my adventure to the famed Sandstone Falls on the majestic New River. This is a kayak angling jewel located outside of Hinton, WV. It’s one of my favorite places in the world. I hope this video displays the raw beauty, power, and dignity that this area...