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In Milton’s words:


Thanks to the good folks at Jackson Kayak and Rock
Creek Outfitters, I had a chance to demo a Fun over the weekend.

First off, I’m a very new paddler. I started last September,
but I’m having a blast. My first boat was a WS X, which was replaced by
a WS EZ a month or so ago. I can roll both sides and have a solid hand
roll. Just starting to play, so I’m Mr. Average Joe, not Mr. Hot Stick.

The Fun really looks like an adult version of my son’s
Fun1. The hull is slick and has a super smooth finish. This demo had a
couple of cosmetic issues, which kept it from being a first quality. I
thought it looked really good, but the folks at Jackson pointed out about
a half dozen things that would keep it from being a first quality boat.
I’m impressed that they really want each boat to be the best that they
can make. If you see this one, know that it’s not the correct yellow.
It’s too pale, but it’ll probably be with my son’s, which is the right

EJ gave me a few pointers regarding getting onto the
Fun. First, release the air from the Happy Feet system and make two spots
for your feet. Release the back band and depending on you, you may have
to remove the hip pads for the initial fit. Get in, slide forward on the
seat until you reach the raised portion toward the front of the seat that
goes between your legs, get your feet and legs adjusted and set up the
back band. It has the adjusters on the back. Then if necessary, you install/adjust
the hip pads. Once adjusted, I found that I didn’t have to keep messing
with it. Was comfortable for the 3.5+ hours that we were on the water.
I also feel firmly in the boat. Nice and tight, but ample space to move
around to keep from cramping up. I had more space than in my EZ.

Took the Fun to the Green River, NC this Saturday.
I used it to chase after my son on his first trip down the lower green.
At the put in, I tried my first roll and about over cooked it. To my surprise
I found it quicker rolling than my EZ. I had to brace to keep from doing
a 360. Next I tried a hand roll, which was effortless. It had real good
primary stability and even better secondary stability.

Going down stream was great. I could take any line
I needed to in keeping up with Brad in his little boat. It seemed to accelerate
faster than my EZ. It also seemed more responsive, but not twitchy by
any stretch. It really made me feel comfortable. I never felt an edge
catch nor did it do anything unexpected. It was much easier to load up
the nose with water than the EZ, but it was very controllable and never
happened when I was running the river. I’m really looking forward to seeing
the Fun on more pushy water. I’m sure it will do great.

For the first time, I tried to surf at the play wave
on the lower green. It did great. I took 10 plus turns and could keep
it on the wave. I could do 360s and had a blast. Never tired this in the
EZ, but I will before I sell it.

During one of my surfs, I finally caught an edge that
I couldn’t recover with a brace. I’d been playing for so long without
getting flipped, I really wasn’t thinking about rolling. Ended upside
down without much air. Started to punch out, but then I had a Star War’s
moment and heard this little voice in my head – "Focus on the task
at hand." So, I set up and did my first "Combat Roll."

I have no doubt that the Fun has a heck of a lot more
ability than I do. Overall, I’m very happy and think it’s worth upgrading
from my EZ.

Take care.



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