Self-supporting out in the Owyhee Canyonlands, Devon Barker Style by Will Richardson | Apr 3, 2006 | 2010 Fun, Heros, Whitewater | 0 comments By Devon Barker. Learn more about Devon. April 3 , 2006 Self-Support in my Hero If dirt is good then mud is better when driving to the Owyhee. The Owyhee Canyonlands are the grand canyon of Idaho, Oregon, and Nevada. The local boaters often say the drive is almost better than the whitewater. Where else can you fine miles of mudding with mostly sagebrush, creek crossings and a few rocks? Two sets of chains and as many shovels as paddlers is a must for any put-in drive. I flew in from Santa Cruz, Megan picked me up and we drove the 100 miles from the Boise, Idaho airport to the put-in at Three Forks, Oregon on the Middle Owyhee section. The last six miles were as intense as it gets when 4×4. We were in 4high in the Dodge, wipers going, 3rd gear and the country music blaring. As you come over each rise you see a long stretch of three ruts that you have to decide if you are going right or left or you see the next creek crossing. My truck is pretty heavy so I opt for speed, sliding, and never letting up on the gas. Once we made it to the canyon rim I let out a great hoop and holler as I shifted into low and crept down the rocky switchbacks to the river. This was the start of my 27th self-support trip in the Owyhee Canyonlands. With my Hero in the back I decided this is the year to take back my title of the Owyhee Princess- shovel and chains in hand and a new pretty pink Jackson kayak! Before I moved from teacher to freestyle paddler I spent most of my paddling time with a fully loaded kayak and my truck exploring mud, rapids, and canyons in this remote part of the west. The Middle Main Owyhee is mostly lots of class three-boogie water with lots of class fours on the first day. The climax is the class five Widow Maker rapid on day two. This drop has three sections and I have run the top and bottom many times but never the middle with success. Maybe this year… It was my first day in my Hero. It was so cold I decided not to do a practice roll. I nailed my line in Half- Mile but Raft Flip is right below it on a blind corner. I missed a brace and had to roll. The Hero is so easy to roll. It is just like the 2Fun. I could not believe the ease rolling it. This boosted my confidence. It is also a great self-support boat as well. Everything fit and once on the water I could not believe how well it paddled fully loaded. It snowed the first day and the wind blew. We paddled three hours to bomb shelter cave where we proceeded to build a great fire in a firepan from all the driftwood scattered along the banks and in the recesses of the cave. The last night I spent there five years ago I commented to my friend that it did not matter if anything got wet as we were going out the next day. I moved to the edge of the cave that night to see the stars but awoke to rain. Famous last words, as I did not make it out the next day. As we approached the scout to Widow Maker there was a man wrapped with his raft half-submerged in the middle of the rapid. We spent the majority of the day helping our new friend unwrap his raft and camped with him, as we were all cold and wet and wanted to camp. Famous last words? Well, my sleeping bag was a little wet and we were not going out. The highlight of my teaching career was radioing to sheriff’s small engine plane passing over Widow Maker to call my school district to let then know I was okay, but would need a sub for the Monday morning. Once I got to Widow Maker, five years later this time, I could see a line similar to the character of a White Nile rapid, but I seemed to remember another epic day at this rapid when I was high siding for my brother when he flipped his raft at flood stage ten years ago and opted to portage the middle section. Megan and I were gripped as we ran the top drop and down to the portage. Megan stood in the water in her dry suit as I lowered the kayaks over boulders down to her using our waist throw belts. We hopped back in to run the bottom of the drop. I cannot tell you how great my Hero works for self-support and all the grab handles make portaging much easier.. Arriving at the takeout my truck was there and so covered with mud that you could not see the Jackson Kayak sticker on the back canopy. We are headed back to run the North Fork of the Owyhee next. Any takers? This is the Grand Canyon without a waiting list! If you want solitude and great rapids come along. You can run sections or 200 miles of great rapids and canyons with unforgettable 4x4ing! Email me if you want to go….I’ll pack your shovel. Thanks for my Hero EJ! devo Bombshelter Cave exiting last canyon Half-Mile Rapid Megan at Widow Maker Three Forks of Owyhee Three Forks Put-in Submit a Comment Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Comment * Name * Email * Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ