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On Sunday March 4th, 2007 Jackson Kayak teamed up with Big Hoss Mountain Sports in Laramie, Wyoming for a pool demo held at The University of Wyoming. The event allowed local boaters to get acquainted with Jackson boats and it was a great opportunity for members of the paddling community to get together. Marty Cronin from Jackson came up from Boulder and supplied the 2007 line of boats and also was on hand to answer questions. We were really stoked to see the increasing interest in Jackson Kayaks and how the people react to the various sizes. Bottom line we are building a stronger boater base in the Laramie area and Jackson has been great to work with. Making people aware of the unique features that set Jackson apart from other kayak companies plays a large role in escalating customer interest. By getting people in the boats they see first hand how easily the boats maneuver and it allows them to become familiar with the various styles and sizes that Jackson has to offer. It also gives them an opportunity to use features such as the foot bag, seat and rigging adjustments that set Jackson Kayaks apart from other boats. Attendance at the event was solid and dispelled the myth that there are no boaters in Laramie. In Fact the day after the demo Big Hoss Mountain Sports sold two new boats and a one of their 2006 demos.

Can’t wait for the season to kick into gear!




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