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I still get warm fuzzy feelings when I read about kids getting out
with their parents. Life is about family, friends, being a good steward,
and being all you can be. Kayaking is a great way to take care of all of
these areas of your life in style! 🙂 EJ

Hi Eric

Here are two photos of my 10 year old son James on Abercynon Weir in South
Wales, UK.
He had his Fun 1 1/2 for Christmas in 2006 and then after trying out the
Shooting Star last September, he had one for Christmas 2007. He is now
saving up as he wants a Sidekick – although he is waiting to try one out
when they hit he UK.

He has really come on over the last year and he has found the Fun to be an
excellent River runner. I have to be honest and say that I have never seen
him wobble once when breaking in and out of eddies.
He can roll both boats well and has been very fortunate not to have had to
roll them in a river situation as he always stays the right way up, what a
stable platform!!

He has demo’ed other boats (only on flat water though) and has always been
more comfortable and happy in the Jackson fleet – Hence the waiting for the
Side kick!

Many thanks for some great boats

Gavin & James

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