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By Jesse Coombs

Hey Everyone,

We are in the midst of a great tour with the largest audiences we have ever seen. Read below to check out our shows in Reno and Salt Lake City.

Reno, NV

This year we headlined the Reno River Festival at the Imperial Lounge. This party was meant to kick off the weekend and get everyone fired up for great kayaking. And that was certainly what happened. We ran the film through the Imperial’s sound system and tvs as well as our 10 foot by 10 foot screen and projector. To do this I had to run around Reno for 2 hours before the show looking for 80′ of video cord, and it would not have happened if Lisa Beckstead of Kokatat wasn’t my chauffer. Thank you Lisa! The result was great though as it made the even much more professional and enjoyable. The house was packed and everyone was there specifically for the film. Usually in bar settings like this it is very hard to keep the attention of the crowd. They tend to get distracted with their drinks and friends. But in this case 99% of the crow was intently watching the film and nothing else. To have several hundred people there in a bar setting and for them all to be riveted by the film was better than we could have hoped. This was a great event and great start to such a fun weekend and Festival. Many congratulations to the Jackson Kayak team members for cleaning up on the events during the weekend as well!

The Reno River Festival ran some great radio spots that included promotion of the Hotel Charley 3: The Lost World premier on that Friday night. Click here to listen to the radio ad.

Salt Lake City, UT

Charlie and Dwight from Wasatch Touring have been one of our most consistent tour hosts, and this has only gotten better. This year Charlie put together an Expression Session rodeo the day before the show and invited Ben and myself to help. The idea of the Expression Session was for an informal rodeo and potluck to celebrate the Spring run-off and rising rivers. The event was well attended with everyone having a great time. Charlie even got Fox and a local tv station to come out and cover the event. Here is a link to the spot the local tv station ran.

The show the following evening was great as always with beer and snacks and a full house. Wasatch Touring does a great job every year, and this was now exception.



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