By Eric Seymour
Wow what a winter in Jackson. We received 600 inches of snow (the second highest on record). Skiing was unbelievable and the powder days just kept coming.
Spring is finally here and the season is going to be unbelievable. The day after I got my new Super Hero I was on my way for the 3rd decent of Box Elder Creek near Casper, WY. We have the highest run level to date and the run was super juicy. I did have a big hole ride and was able to cartwheel my way out. I will write up a review on the new Super Hero, but I want to spend some more time in the boat first.
When we decided to hike out we were above a really mean drop and the walls were closing in. The only option was a sketchy ferry into tiny eddy on river left. I went first and the Super Hero made the move easy as I practically surfed my way across the entire river. The others made it but had a more difficult time as we had jump into the river and grab the last boater clinging onto a rock.
Here is a great writeup on Box Elder with photos.
After Box Elder my wife and I, professional freeskier Jess McMillan, headed to the Lochsa. Wow what a fun river. We were there for three days and the river went up everytime we kayaked. We statred out with a flow of 4 ft and on the last day boated at 8.5 feet.
We were camping up Fish Creek and would put in below the fish wier and run down to the Lochsa. The Super Star was amazing. It is a great little river and an amazing playboat. It doesn’t get much better than running Fish Creek and the Lochsa at a juicy flow in a playboat.
Ben and Jesse are coming to Jackson this Friday and hopefully we get some of the WY goodness in the Heros.
Spring is finally here,
Eric Seymour