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Just writing to tell you how much we appreciate your generosity sending a Jackson kayak for Nepals first ever winner of the Peak UK Himalayan Challenge!

This was a dream come true for many people including myself having a Nepali girl winning a suitable boat in this event. But for Susmita, this dream has been on her mind for many years as she once started kayaking with her husband. They separated while she was learning and since then she didn’t have any chance to go boating again. Until we started this project and found her last spring. Now she has had a chance to improve her kayaking and even got a job as a trainee river guide. All this time she has been dreaming of this rodeo and winning it, and she sooo happy now!

The fact that it was a Jackson kayak was also very important as she is quite petite as most of the Nepali girls are. As I am small myself I now always paddle Jackson and so stoked that they exist!. Since I started paddling the Sidekick and the Star and the Fun last year I will never paddle another boat again!!! So I will do my best to promote Jackson, through this project and through my own paddling.

I will keep you updated on media coming out.


🙂 Inka