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In December it looked like we were going to have a great season. Rivers were in and the snow pack was quickly building up. Then, as quickly as they started, the rains stopped. The 70-degree weather in January and February was great for mountain biking but the kayakers were sulking and praying for rain.
The measly storms we’ve had haven’t done much to budge our low snow pack. March is bringing us even warmer weather but still not much precipitation.
Luckily, in California there seems to always be some option for when there’s no rain in sight. Currently, that option is Bald Rock Canyon on the Middle Fork of the Feather River. Usually during this time of year, Bald Rock is way too high to run. However, due to our recurrent dry weather, the flows are perfect.
Until last weekend, I had never kayaked Bald Rock. But thanks to JK paddler Darin McQuoid for showing me the lines, and our strange season, I finally had the opportunity.

Dry seasons can be hard for kayakers to deal with. However, with a little creativity, there are awesome runs out there that may not be on your radar if they don’t usually flow that time of year. Sometimes all you need is to jump out of your comfort zone and try something new. Though I still hope we get some more snow before it all starts to melt early! ~Diane Gaydos



Jackson Kayak in California