In the first installment of FIT 2 FISH we demonstrated the benefits of the deadlift for overall body strength and conditioning. While being a near perfect exercise for general strength and fitness, some people may not have access to a gym or the necessary barbell equipment. The beauty of fitness training is that there are so many available options. If you don’t have access to a gym or would rather workout at home and save money, I have an equally effective exercise, the kettlebell swing! All you need is one kettlebell between 20 to 40 lbs which cost about $40 to $60 at your local Walmart or sporting goods store.
The kettlebell swing is essentially a hip-hinge movement that activates your core abdominals, glute, thigh, and hamstring muscles. What sets the kettlebell swing apart from the classic deadlift movement is the explosiveness required to perform the exercise. Your glute and hamstring muscles explode to create the pendulum movement of the kettlebell, while your abdominal “core” muscles contract to counter the swing movement. Performed correctly your arms are just the connecting link between you and the kettlebell.
What are the benefits of the kettlebell swing for kayak fishing? Think of your core as the base of a pyramid or the foundation of a house. This is where the strength originates. The same is true when paddling. The same muscles used in the swing are the same used for paddling. And similar to the swing, your arms are the connecting link to the paddle. Obviously there is an upper back and shoulder component to the paddle-stroke (future article), but the true power of the paddle-stroke comes from a stable core, your foundation.
One of the extra benefits of the kettlebell swing is that it adds a cardiovascular element to the exercise, and the ability to burn fat. Performed alone or combined with a few basic exercises and you have a great full body workout. Here is a sample workout circuit based on the kettlebell swing:
Kettlebell Swing Circuit
- Kettlebell Swings (30 seconds)
- Pushups (15 – 20 repetitions)
Rest 30 seconds
- Kettlebell Swings (30 seconds)
- Squats (30 seconds)
Rest 30 seconds
- Kettlebell Swings (30 seconds)
- Hip Bridges (15 – 20 repetitions)
Rest 30 seconds
- Kettlebell Swings (30 seconds)
- Kettlebell Back Row (10 – 15 repetitions)
Rest 1 to 2 minutes and perform circuit again!
Here is a great video from MensHealth on how to perform the Kettlebell Swing: