As the saying goes, “When in Rome”. So when driving through Sequoia National Park on our way north, what should we do? The obvious answer was to stop in and check out the biggest trees and oldest living thing on earth, which was totally worth it and epic! Though after visiting the giant trees we kept on trucking north to the tip on California near the Oregon border to check out and race in the annual Cal-Salmon Race. The race was a grueling 37 minute race, and I brought a knife to a gun fight, but only having a short boat (9ft) when the tool for the job would be a long boat (unlimited length). Though even with my short boat, I was able to do alright. Check out some real time race commentary, and another amazing stop on our ‘Wild & Free World Tour’.
// May 26, 2017
Cal-Salmon Race/ Sequoia National Park: Wild & Free Tour