Jackson Kayak Raffle a HUGE success! by Will Richardson | Mar 19, 2008 | Heros, Whitewater | 0 comments By Boyd Ruppelt Hey EJ, This year me and Sam continued our tradition of going to Memphis Whitewater’s Creek Week on the Cumberland Plateau, leading trips, and running a Jackson Kayak Raffle for American Whitewater. With the extra water on the plateau, there was a slight but noticable rise in attendance. Trips were run on the emory, obed, clear creek, little clear creek, big south fork, tellico, cheoah, crooked fork, and more… with plenty of grinning faces coming back to our "base camp" and party scene at Pickett State Park each night. Saturday night there was plenty of beer, awards, and carnage video but to top it off we held the annual Jackson Kayak Raffle for AW. With an AMAZING amount of support and energy, the kayak raffle was a HUGE success, bringing in over $1700 for American Whitewater!!! Special thanks to Memphis Whitewater, the organizors of Creek Week, and to everyone else that helped me and Samantha with the raffle! The winner of the raffle this year was Bret Salomon! I hear he’s wanting a new Hero! Good Times, Boyd Ruppelt 🙂 Submit a Comment Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Comment * Name * Email * Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ