World cup and college the ultimate juggling act. by Emery Tillman | Sep 7, 2012 | Whitewater | 0 comments These past two weeks have possibly been the busiest two weeks I have had. This weekend will be my last competition of my junior kayaking career. I think that in itself is somewhat scary because I guess I am getting old. I have also just started a college career three weeks ago at the College of Charleston. Juggling training and college has been a lot harder then I thought it would be. In these past two weeks I have had three papers, my car has broken down twice, I will have driven twenty hours, joined my schools Ultimate Frisbee team the Hobos, seen some of my best friends, and have gotten to go kayaking. This is more or less the best of both worlds minus all of the homework. College has a lot more work then high school I have learned this quite quickly. The next question or problem to tackle was to figure out how to train for an international event while spending the majority of my day in a class room or stuck in the library. With limited access to a hole to train on, I have turned to a bunch of cross training. I have been running and lifting weights and getting my endurance up while playing Ultimate. It is tons more fun to run sprints with someone else then by yourself. Hopefully all of this will pay off this weekend and I will compete well but more importantly have tons of fun which is not that hard to do when kayaking is involved, See you on the river Emery Tillman Submit a Comment Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Comment * Name * Email * Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ