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October 24, 2006

By Nick Troutman

While running my first river in Mexico yesterday, my expectations were blown away. I had imagined that we would be paddling a shallow lower volume class 2-3, or at least that was the description that Rafa had told me. Though what I was imagining was the exact opposite from what the rain brought us.

The Amacuzac river was a surprising 3, or 3.5 feet higher than normal. It was by far the highest Rafa had ever seen it, which pumped up our spirits, and left us excited of the unknown.

We had a group of four, Rafa, Mr. Ortiz (Rafa`s father), Pancho (Rafa`s best friend), and myself (Nick).

The day was amazing, full of laughs (being that Pancho is still learning). He has a pretty bomber roll, but he tends to be the entertainment while flipping, laughing, and joking.

The river was chocolate brown, giving me the idea of paddling through chocolate milk. The run was a continuous class 3, full of perfect standing waves for down-river moves. We stuck some big Macho-moves, Kickflips, downriver Panams and Back Panams, plus some sweet down river Mc Nasty?s, and some funny carps and rolls.

We also found a Wave, which Rafa claims was one of the best waves he had ever surfed in México. It was a pretty great 4 foot wave, enabling some great rides, consisting of big Blunts, Panams and Back Panams, some Backstabs, and a couple awesome Airscrews.

There was only one class 5, which Rafa and I sneaked to the right over a couple boofs (opting not to run the main line in our play-boats), while Pancho and Mr. Ortiz decided to walk.

We ended with a great day, and smiles all around.

I love México and can´t wait to go creeking today. Rafa and I are going to Vera Cruz to go and scout some new creeks, and run some classic drops. I am very excited.

signing out,

Nick and Rafa


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Chocolate Milk River

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Three amigos Nick, Rafa, Pancho