Mathieu Dumoulin’s First Zambezi Trip! Video and Photos! by JK Team | Jan 5, 2014 | Whitewater | 0 comments Zambezi experience DONE! Finaly i got to paddle one of the most exciting river in the world: the Zambezi river. Boof on Nr 5, diagonale on Nr9, Star Treck hole in Nr 8… I’ve seen so much stuff about this run since so many years that i knew exactly which boxs i wanted to tick once there. I ticked all of them. I had one of the best trip i ever had, going from realizing a kid dream to new projects on the water, every day. I felt the accomplishment every day i took out at number 10 or 25. It’s just this feeling of having all you expect from life that comes every day after a sesh on the Zam. The beat was perfect for me in Livingstone, Zambia. Waking up at 7, take the shuttle to the river, meet the day’s clients, hang out with the guides, huck the river, run Nr 9, go back to the packpacker, have a nap, socialize.. Then do it again! i encourage every body to go there and discover this river, that is the best white water playground i found until now. I enjoyed so much paddling my JK Rock Star there. I had a competition version that is light enough to take off high. The plastic is so easier to use when traveling, no pain doing whatever you want to do, like put in on crazy rocks, or leave it on the rafting’s company gear truck to have it every day. That’s a confortable thing to have, confidence in your boat! I also had the opportunity to use it a lot, and get to know it better. I loved it so much in a wave, as i learnt how to wave monkey and blunt to pistol flip both ways. I had solid lines too, builing up a lot of confidence into my downriver paddling thanks to a very forgiving shape. Thanks you Jackson kayak for having made such a fun boat!!! [youtube][/youtube] [vimeo][/vimeo] Submit a Comment Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Comment * Name * Email * Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ