Catching Crappie From a Kayak by joey monteleone | May 30, 2022 | Featured Post, Fishing, Fishing Feature, Fishing Instruction, Instructional,, JAdventures Main BannerThe super shallow water crappie bite from spring is gone. Soon the arrival of summer weather will make the water much warmer and scatter the post spawn crappie. Fishermen of all descriptions love the “thump” crappie give and there’s not much better at the table than...
5 Tips: Practicing For Kayak Tournaments by Scott Brands | May 24, 2022 | Featured Post, Fishing, Fishing Feature, Fishing Instruction, Fishing Reports, Freshwater, Instructional,, JAdventures Main BannerTip number one: Map Study • One of the first things I’ll do in preparing for a tournament is break out the map. I primarily use Google Earth to study the lake where the tournament is being held. Google Earth allows you to view satellite imagery of the lake, but the...
S10E10 Kayak Fishing Drakes Bay Costa Rica by Jim Sammons | May 19, 2022 | Featured Post, Fishing, Fishing Feature,, JAdventures Main BannerIn this live airing of The Kayak Fishing Show with Jim Sammons we are in Drakes Bay Costa Rica at the amazing Aguila De Osa. We are throwing all Band of Anglers lures targeting the amazing fish that live in these tropical waters. Join us live and join in the...
Kayak Considerations – Let’s Go Fishin’ by joey monteleone | May 15, 2022 | Big Rig HD/FD, Featured Post, Fishing, Fishing Boats, Fishing Feature,, JAdventures Main BannerSo, you want to fish from a kayak, there’s several things you can consider to make your adventures safe and successful. Choose the best kayak for your style, experience level and types of water you will frequent. As is often the case you will develop your own style...
S10E9 Kayak fishing Sweden PT 3 by Jim Sammons | May 14, 2022 | Coosa HD, Featured Post, Fishing Feature, Fishing Reports, Internationalisation,, JAdventures Main Banner, SwedenOur visit to Sweden comes to an end in this Episode of The Kayak Fishing Show with Jim Sammons LIVE, but before it does, we get out and target trout on the fly, visit with the local reindeer herders and see more of this beautiful country. We are once again hosted by...
How To Catch Fish In The Spring by Scott Brands | May 12, 2022 | Big Rig HD/FD, Featured Post, Fishing, Fishing Feature, Fishing Reports, Freshwater, Freshwater Fishing,, JAdventures Main BannerWhere I’m from in Colorado the ice is FINALLY gone and the lakes are open! I have been able to get out in my Jackson BigRig FD a few times this season and have been having a lot of success! Today I’m going to share with you what’s been working for me and how to catch...
S10E8 Kayak Fishing During Sweden’s MidSummer Part Two by Lucien Shreiber | May 11, 2022 | Big Tuna, Featured Post, Fishing, Fishing Boats, Fishing Feature, Fishing Reports, Freshwater, Internationalisation,, JAdventures Main Banner, SwedenOur amazing adventure in Sweden Continues in this LIVE airing of The Kayak Fishing Show with Jim Sammons, Live. The Fishing, scenery and company is simply incredible as we are joined by Jackson Kayak Team Europe and our guest Magnus Bozell. Join us live as we air the...
Kayak Plan of Attack by joey monteleone | May 8, 2022 | Bite, Featured Post, Fishing, Fishing Boats, Fishing Feature, Fishing Instruction, Instructional,, JAdventures Main BannerKayak Plan of Attack Eventually intentionally or even accidentally you develop a strategy for your kayak excursions. For us our primary focus is fishing. While we do explore for new places and we paddle / pedal with a purpose. A traditional approach has become a plan...
S10E7 Kayak Fishing during Swedens Mid summer by Jim Sammons | May 6, 2022 | Big Tuna, Featured Post, Fishing, Fishing Instruction, Freshwater, Freshwater Fishing, Instructional, Internationalisation,, JAdventures Main Banner, Liska, SwedenIn this live airing of the Kayak Fishing Show with Jim Sammons we are in Sweden for Mid Summer. We are enjoying the the food and culture and chasing after fish with members of Jackson Kayak Team Europe. Join us live as we share the memories for a great trip and be...
S10E6 Kayak Fishing Panama’s Los Buzos by Jim Sammons | May 4, 2022 | Featured Post, Fishing, Fishing Feature,, JAdventures Main Banner, KrakenIn this live airing of The Kayak Fishing Show with Jim Sammons we are in Panama. We check out an area that Los Buzos was thinking of starting a second operation with Jackson Kayaks James McBeath, Bart Swab and Jim’s son Randy. We also target the big fish at...
Spring Smallmouth | Kayak Fishing Tips by joey monteleone | May 3, 2022 | Big Rig Pro, Featured Post, Fishing, Fishing Boats, Fishing Feature, Fishing Instruction, Instructional,, JAdventures Main BannerSpring Smallmouth Pound for pound nothing in freshwater pulls like a smallmouth bass. At home in cooler water, they thrive in lakes and rivers also. Smallmouth pull like a “late freight” and often explode through the water’s surface when hooked. A quick look at a...
S10E5 Kayak Bass Fishing in Canada by Jim Sammons | May 2, 2022 | Canada, Coosa FD, Featured Post, Fishing, Fishing Feature, Internationalisation,, JAdventures Main BannerOur trip to Canada continues in this episode of The Kayak Fishing Show with Jim Sammons.. We are joined by Jackson Kayaks James McBeath and Scott Barton as well as Roberto Briones, fishing some hidden lakes for bass and Pike. Watch the episode...