Taking a Newbie Kayak Fishing by Bill Durboraw | Jan 17, 2022 | Featured Post, Fishing, Fishing Feature, LiskaMost of my free time during the year is spent traveling for tournaments. However, this year I had the chance to do something different and exciting. I took my wife (fiancé at the time) kayak fishing on my favorite body of water, the Susquehanna River. My wife isn’t...
Where To Fish When Main River Channels Are Blown Out by JK Team | Jan 13, 2022 | Featured Post, Fishing, Fishing Feature, Fishing Instruction, Instructional, jacksonkayak.com, JAdventures Main Bannersubmitted by Kayak Mike I am mainly a catfish guy; however, in the Midwest this theory applies to literally every species. When I was throwing my net for shad I caught a 16 inch Wiper, 14 inch Crappie, and a 24 inch Buffalo. So when main rivers are blown out –...
Best of, Worst of, Funniest of Kayak Mike 2021 by JK Team | Jan 10, 2022 | Featured Post, Fishing, Fishing Feature, jacksonkayak.com, JAdventures Main Banner, Video, VideoSubmitted by Kayak Mike In 2021 I posted about 60 videos, this highlight has a clip from every single one of...
Winter Smallmouth Bass Fishing by Scott Brands | Jan 7, 2022 | Featured Post, Fishing, Fishing Feature, Freshwater Fishing, jacksonkayak.com, JAdventures Main BannerScott Brands gets a short winter fishing trip out on Horsetooth Reservoir before the wind blows him off the...
Paddlers Responsibility: How to deal with Zebra Mussels by Donald Stubbings | Jan 6, 2022 | Coosa HD, Exploration Feature, Featured Post, Fishing Boats, Fishing Feature, Fishing Instruction, Instructional, jacksonkayak.com, JAdventures Main BannerPaddlers Responsibility: How to deal with Zebra Mussels Kayak fishing has taken flight, and some would say it is the fastest-growing area of the fishing industry. With the portability, low cost, and overall peace and quiet it brings the paddler, the popularity is easy...
Rebel Teeny Wee-Crawfish: A Little Fish Catching Magnet by Bill Schultz | Jan 3, 2022 | Featured Post, Fishbrain Premium Content, Fishing, Fishing Boats, Fishing Feature, Fishing Instruction, Instructional, jacksonkayak.com, JAdventures Main BannerRebel Teeny Wee-Crawfish: A Little Fish Catching Magnet By Bill Schultz In 1992 I bought my first Rebel Teeny Wee-Crawfish to fish bluegills and largemouth bass in a pond I have access to. I still remember my first cast with this little fish catching magnet. I caught...
Suwannee Bass By Kayak | River Gems by Jean Wilson | Dec 31, 2021 | Big Rig HD/FD, Featured Post, Fishing, Fishing Feature, Fishing Instruction, Fishing Subjects, Freshwater, Freshwater Fishing, Instructional, jacksonkayak.com, JAdventures Main BannerSuwannee Bass by Kayak | River Gems By Jean Wilson Of all the black bass species found worldwide, the beautiful Suwannee bass has the smallest range and geographic distribution which just luckily happens to be in the rivers of my backyard. How fortunate to get to...
Slowing it down for winter river smallies by Bill Durboraw | Dec 29, 2021 | 2014 Karma Unlimited, Featured Post, Fishing, Fishing Feature, Fishing Instruction, Instructional, jacksonkayak.com, JAdventures Main BannerDeciding to get out on a river during the winter months is not for the faint of heart. It takes a whole lot of dedication, patience, and added safety measures. Before I even begin to talk about baits and tactics, I need to address the most important part of winter...
Journey Journal – Tips for Recording your Kayak Fishing by joey monteleone | Dec 22, 2021 | Big Rig HD/FD, Featured Post, Fishing, Fishing Boats, Fishing Feature, Fishing Instruction, Instructional, jacksonkayak.com, JAdventures Main BannerJourney Journal With 2021 behind us many fishing folks reflect on the results of their outdoor adventures. Keeping a record of last season’s trips can help develop a map to future fishing guidelines. The point is to memorialize details (good and not so good) of your...
S9E8 The Best of The Kayak Fishing Show with Jim Sammons by Jim Sammons | Dec 20, 2021 | Canada, Featured Post, Fishing, Fishing Feature, Internationalisation, jacksonkayak.com, JAdventures Main Banner, KrakenIn this live airing of The Kayak Fishing Show with Jim Sammons we revisit some of our best episode from Seasons past. You will see highlights from Baja, Puerto Rico, Costa Rica and New Zealand as we chase Yellowtail, Roosterfish and Tarpon in amazing destinations....
Three Safety Tools for Kayak Fishing by Chris Payne | Dec 17, 2021 | Featured Post, Fishing, Fishing Boats, Fishing Feature, Fishing Instruction, Instructional, jacksonkayak.com, JAdventures Main BannerWhen thinking about kayaking, fishing and kayak fishing accessories, some of the things that many people overlook are safety accessories. Over the last decade I’ve come to rely on three safety tools that have proven worthwhile in emergent and less than desirable...
S9E8 The Best of The Kayak Fishing Show with Jim Sammons by Jim Sammons | Dec 16, 2021 | Featured Post, Fishing, Fishing Feature, Internationalisation, jacksonkayak.com, JAdventures Main Banner, Kraken, New ZealandIn this live airing of The Kayak Fishing Show with Jim Sammons we revisit some of our best episode from Seasons past. You will see highlights from Baja, Puerto Rico, Costa Rica and New Zealand as we chase Yellowtail, Roosterfish and Tarpon in amazing destinations....