Bass on the fly tactics by Brian Cadoret | Aug 12, 2018 | Big Rig, Fishing, Internationalisation, United StatesThe Bass fishing has been outstanding all over the Vermont! I’ve had luck using various topwater flies at dusk which is a blast. However in calm clear water I’ve also had great success sight fishing for them. From small Ponds to Lake Champlain and everything in...
Camping in the Granite by Matt Davis | Aug 9, 2018 | Coosa FD, Fishing, Fishing Subjects, Freshwater, Trip Reports, TripsMy buddy Kevin had told me about a month or so ago that he was looking at doing a kayak camping trip to the Sierras, he was able to get a great camping tent and some outdoor blinds by Undercover Blinds Melbourne. Kevin was actually the one who introduced me to this...
Flambeau River Smallmouth Fishing by Tanner Speidel | Aug 5, 2018 | FishingSome places are notorious for producing giant fish. Some are faraway and some are close to home, but with a little research and ambition, some can be very rewarding. The last few seasons I’ve been researching and planning where to go to find big river smallmouth bass....
Big Water Trout by Jim Ware | Jul 31, 2018 | Big Rig, FishingIn the last couple of years I’ve seen my fishing go from a finesse style with light freshwater tackle to a much heavier aggressive style. I think that the Kayak Bass tournaments that I fish have been the major reason for that. In those tournaments you have all day to...
A Quick Trip to Catch Some Guadalupe Bass by clinttaylor | Jul 25, 2018 | Big Tuna, Fishing, rivers, Trip Reports, TripsThe weekends are a great time for me to spend some time outside. Fishing is one of the many activities I like to do in my free time so if there is a weekend with good weather, there’s a good chance I will be out on the water. This past weekend I decided to take...
Bass Fishing the Dog Days by Scott Brands | Jul 24, 2018 | FishingWith the days consistently over 90 degrees, the dog days of summer have arrived here in Colorado. Most fishing reports you hear are not all that good as many people tend to fish for trout despite water temperatures hovering around 75 degrees. Anglers targeting warm...
That Was Big!! by Ivan Hamilton | Jul 23, 2018 | Fishing, Kilroy, VideoHold that Fish tight… Oh so close, But yet so far… Good thing the Jackson Kilroy is a very stable...
First time Fly Fishing by teamjk | Jul 21, 2018 | Fishing, Fishing Subjects, Fly Fishing, Internationalisation, UK, VideoFirst time fly fishing off the kayak, need a bit more practice! but was just happy to be catching! – Graham...
Wind is your Friend…..Sometimes! by teamjk | Jul 18, 2018 | Coosa FD, FishingSummer is here!!! Not only have the daily temperatures been heating up, the fishing has also. As luck would have it, the days I would be free to get on the water were not the calmest days of the last few weeks. With winds ranging from 12 to 15 mph from the southeast,...
Summer River Bronze Patterns by teamjk | Jul 15, 2018 | Fishing, riversSummer time on my local river usually means shallow, clear, and very warm water. It’s also one of my favorite times of the year to fish. The water is warm so the smallmouths metabolism is high causing them to feed more often and or feed on bigger meals. This time of...
Irish Kayak Angling Cahore Competition by Andrew McIlhone | Jul 12, 2018 | Fishing, Internationalisation, IrelandThat time of the year again were I pack the van and head down the east coast of Ireland for a few days to one of our Irish kayak Angling clubs competitions. This is one of my favourite yearly comps as it gives you a chance that target species not found in colder...
The 2018 Border City Classic by Noah Heck | Jul 10, 2018 | Fishing, Internationalisation, United StatesI bet you didn’t expect a post-event article from the guy who placed 23rd out of 100 overall… that said, as I reflect upon the 2018 Border City Class event in Ontario on beautiful Lake St. Cair, I actually have a lot to say. BIG open water smallmouth bass,...