CKFC: Tussle At The Tooth – Kayak Bass Tournament by Scott Brands | Jun 2, 2019 | Event Coverage, Fishing, Fishing Tournament, VideoThe second stop on the Colorado Kayak Fishing Club bass series tournament trail was on Horsetooth Reservoir in Fort Collins, CO. Known for its unbelievable population of Smallmouth Bass, this fishery typically isn’t tough in regards to catching numbers of...
CKFC Boyd Lake Bass Tournament Recap by Scott Brands | May 3, 2018 | Coosa FD, Event Coverage, Events, Fishing, TournamentsThe Colorado Kayak Fishing Club (CKFC) started the club tournament season with a Bass only event at Boyd Lake in Loveland, CO. This was the same location as the first tournament which I won in 2017, but this year the conditions were much different. In 2017, Boyd Lake...