Jackson Liska and Bite Loaded to 325lbs by Chris Funk | Apr 11, 2019 | Fishing, Internationalisation, Liska, United States, Video
Jackson Coosa HD and Cuda HD Comparison by Chris Funk | Aug 19, 2017 | Coosa HD, Cuda HD, Fishing, Internationalisation, Reviews, United States, VideoLooking at the Jackson Coosa HD and Cuda HD side by side. A little long and I am sorry for that but there is a lot to talk about with these kayaks. Hope this helps a...
Jackson Coosa HD and Mayfly Comparison by Chris Funk | Aug 17, 2017 | Coosa HD, Fishing, Internationalisation, Mayfly, Reviews, United States, VideoA side by side comparison of the Jackson kayak Coosa HD and Mayfly. The video is longer than I normally put out but there is a lot to show between these 2 models. Hopefully this can help some folks on their...