Thirty-One | LA Redfish Report by Eli Braud | Jun 27, 2018 | Fishing, Saltwater, Saltwater FishingI’m absolutely into my thirties now. Don’t get me wrong, I know I’m still young. But I’ve noticed I do grunt a little more here and there, and I don’t have the energy that I had just a few years ago. But I know there’s someone out...
A day(and a half) in the Coosa FD by Ben Roussel | Jun 22, 2017 | Coosa FD, Fishing, Fishing Reports, Internationalisation, JK Team Posts, Saltwater FishingAfter the success of their last Louisiana trip Jameson and Brooks with JK Media House made a return trip to Louisiana this past weekend for another round of fishing and filming.  This time they brought with them the all new Coosa FD, Jackson Kayak’s first pedal...
Marsh Madness by Drew Ross | Mar 29, 2017 | Fishing, VideoHere’s a quick video from my latest trip to Southeast Louisiana. The naturally tranquil environment of the marsh changes to anarchy when you fool a redfish into eating. Their unpredictable behavior will have you scrambling to keep up. It’s madness in the...
Coldcodrie by Eli Braud | Feb 18, 2017 | FishingKarl and I loaded up the truck the morning of. Neither of us had been to the marsh yet in 2017, and it was January 28th. Our last trip (another forgotten post) had been about a month prior. We knew the weather wouldn’t be great this time, but we weren’t too concerned...
Playboating Marsh Stream, Maine by Adam Swett | Jun 17, 2012 | Rockstar, Whitewater[youtube][/youtube] We got soaked up here with areas of Maine getting 4+” of rain which brought in every run in the state! We spent Monday and Tuesday, June 4th and 5th, on a classic central Maine...