Advanced Topwater Tips by joey monteleone | Feb 28, 2017 | Big Rig, Fishing, Fishing Subjects, Instructional, Internationalisation, Lure reviews, Rigging, United StatesThe tap-tap signal of a bite on a plastic worm, the dead stop to a crankbait hit, the slam of a fast moving spinnerbait, yep each one holds a special place in the heart of fishermen regardless of the region or water craft they drift in. But if you want to see...
Spring….Battling Rain, Wind and Bass by joey monteleone | Feb 24, 2017 | Big Rig, Fishing, Fishing Subjects, Lure reviews, RiggingSpring…Battling Wind, Rain and Bass The 2017 calendar reads March 20th, the March equinox and spring officially begins. Prepare to push off the kayak into the wind, rain and more. Weather or Not – Rare are the days when the weather in the early months of the...
The Old Days and the New Ways by joey monteleone | Feb 12, 2017 | Big Rig, Fishing, Internationalisation, Lure reviews, Rigging, United StatesMany years ago it was normal to idolize the local phenomenal fisherman. You know that guy that always caught his limit, hung out at the boat dock with a stringer of fish and never failed to catch his limit. His every word was the “gospel” to aspiring anglers. Being...
Look, No Batteries Needed by joey monteleone | Jan 29, 2017 | Big Rig, Fishing, Internationalisation, United StatesEach person for the most part carries all the tools necessary to launch and land. Launch the kayak and land fish that is. Every watch a fly fisherman wade a stream? Did you notice the absence of a depth finder? With the possible exception of a cell phone most decision...
Chasing bass in the Ocala National Forest with Jim Ware by Bart Swab | Jan 24, 2017 | Big Rig, Coosa HD, FishingMy family has had a hunting cabin located in the Ocala National Forest since I was a kid. We mostly use it as a hunting base camp during deer,rabbit and turkey season and as a kid we occasionally chased bass while we were on vacations there. As my interest in bass...
Media Map by joey monteleone | Jan 13, 2017 | Big Rig, Fishing, MediaRadio, TV, the printed word, personal appearances, video, social media, all of these are part of the media blitz to promote sponsors, products and yourself. Self-promotion is listed last for a reason, your sponsors, their services and products should be the main goal...
A Different way to Rig your Anchors by Tray Collins | Jan 16, 2012 | Cuda, Fishing, Fishing ReportsMy current setup has a max depth of 15′, only limited because I haven’t figured a way to store more anchor rope safely. This is a killer setup for shallow water, especially in mud where it can dig in! Sometimes I drift flats with the rear anchor out just...