Pitsford Kayak Grand Slam by teamjk | Aug 8, 2019 | Fishing, Fishing Tournament, Internationalisation, UKJust got back from the Pitsford Kayak Grand slam, in Northamptonshire. The task was to have the longest combined length of 1 Pike, 2 Trout and 3 Perch. In recent years the fishing has been prolific and the arduous task of catch fish after fish until you find the...
Christchurch Kayak Grand Slam by teamjk | Nov 10, 2018 | Fishing, Internationalisation, UK, VideoChristchurch Kayak Grand slam, Fishing for Sea Bass and Mullet. – Graham...
Paddling Port Authur, Texas by David Roberts | Apr 26, 2017 | FishingWithout a doubt Texas is one of the most diverse places in the world. In every corner of the state, the landscape changes and always features a new and different aspect. Texas really is a true paradise for people who love to spend their time in the outdoors. One of...
11th Annual Jacksonville Kayak Fishing Classic by Darrell Olson | Jun 12, 2014 | Cuda, Fishing, Fishing Tournament, Saltwater FishingThis marks my third year in attendance to the world’s largest kayak fishing tournament in Jacksonville, Florida. This trip will be challenging as I will be bringing the minimum stuff along as I will have two other yak anglers traveling along. Our plans were to head...