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Sinking in West Virginia

Sinking in West Virginia

I missed out on sinking in a squirt boat last year when I moved to Virginia from Maine but didn’t miss out on kayaking. The James River was pumping last summer so I was OK but really missed going underwater until this summer I found a happy place in West...
Squirtboating Maine

Squirtboating Maine

The New Wave Vulcan and Shred are repaired and drying in the cellar as paddling season approaches here in Maine. Chuck just sold me the Shred and the Vulcan, my favorite, isn’t even mine. Maybe soon Mike will sell it. These are two of the three squirt boats I...

Team JK goes squirt boating!

enjoy this video of Dane, Stephen, Clay, and Claire squirt boating!  Fun stuff!!!! [youtube][/youtube] Live from Golden, CO, Stephen