What Fish? by dustinnichols | Mar 1, 2019 | Fishing, Fishing Tournament, TournamentsWHAT FISH? You ever had one of those days that did not go your way? Well…let me tell you about mine. Let’s go back a bit and talk about my first time on this body of water. Sheldon Lake is a 1230 acre big bass producing lake located east of Houston in...
MKT Tournament by teamjk | Jan 21, 2019 | Event Coverage, Fishing, Fishing Tournament, Wrap UpsThis past july I drove up to the great state on michigan to compete in one of the Michigan Kayak Anglers trail events. In my humble opinion these events have some of the toughest competition yet are run seamlessly. I drove up two days prior to the event in order to...
Furthering The Obsession by teamjk | Sep 22, 2017 | Big Rig, Fishing, Fishing Tournament, River Bassin Tournament, TournamentsBass fishing is an obsession that I have had for some time now and it seems to grow a little deeper as each year passes by. One of my long time favorite ways to catch fish has been wading the local creek catching smallmouth in skinny moving water. From that point it...