How to Catch Open Water Yellow Perch by Henry Aguinaldo | Jan 7, 2020 | Fishing, Fishing Instruction, Freshwater Fishing, Kilroy HDIn the southeastern region of Virginia, a few popular open bodies of water were stocked with yellow perch. People seem to have forgotten about them. After releasing well over fifty perch this year, I have had many between one and one and a half pounds, or even more on...
Trouting in the Yellowjacket Coosa by Stephen Laurie | Jun 12, 2012 | Coosa, Fishing, Fishing Reports, Freshwater FishingWith a break in the spring thunderstorms predicted for the weekend a few of my favorite fishing buddies and I decided to fit in at least one more trip down the Bow river before the run off turns the it to chocolate milk. We decided to float from Fish Creek to Mckinnin...