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January 18, 2006


From time to time, among the millions of moments, and thousands of experiences they come together to create a masterpiece in your memory.   Our first week in Uganda, has become just that.   We have more than one agenda here in Uganda, and many people involved, each with their own focus and energy.   The centerpiece in our family here, is Emily, who has blown us away with her project and impact on large numbers of people.   Jessie Stone opens her medical clinic today at 4pm, which is an accomplishment of huge proportions that will improve the lives of this village immensely.    I’ll start off with this, and then I’ll move over to Team Jackson Kayak and our paddling here on the White Nile.

As you may know, Emily has raised over $6,000 in cash already, between her own cash purse winnings last summer and donations from friends and family.   She originally wanted to build a school house here, but there is an small group of people (Hannah and her friends from Nile River Explorers) who refurbished the school house in this village.    The group is called Soft Power Education.   Jessie set up Emily with that group to help with a specific primary school, called Mtai, that has about 1,000 kids from 6-13 years old.   The school was, in their words, scrap.   We went to a function that was set up for Emily, who’s $3,000 that she committed to them, was being received.    When we got there, a local musical, cultural group was performing, a tent was set up, and there were at least 50 teachers, ministers, board of education, the principal, and parents.  We had no idea what was in store for her.   First there was about 10 minutes of performing by the group, with dancing, singing, and music.  Then the board of education guy read the agenda which was a group of speakers.  The first was the principal who told us about the school, and the situation it was in, with over 1,000 students and only dirt floors that reeked of urine, no decent supplies for learning, or chairs for the kids.   He then told of how Soft Power Education, and Emily’s money was able to complete the refurbishing and building of the more space for the kids, provide supplies, etc.  The total amount needed to complete the project, which is implemented by Soft Power, so 100% of the money goes into the project, with most of the work force being voluntary, is $5,000.   Emily committed to helping raise the other $2,000.  (remember that she is committed to paying for the Doctor’s salary for Jessie’s clinic).  

A series of speeches, thanking Emily for helping them turn their school, which services over 1,000 students, into one of the best in the district, from one of the worst, was the theme.   Teachers and parents were yelling out hoots for her at the mention of her name and what she had done for their school.   It was a very emotional 30 minutes.  Emily was the center piece of a very public “welcome our hero” celebration.  The speech written by the principal was passed out and was about Mr. Emily Jackson.  When I arrived, they were sure it was me, and when they found out it was my 15 year old daughter, they were blown away.   The speeches focused on how important the school is to their village and their kids.  They have 120 orphans, and another 900 students with parents.   They see education as their most important focus to improve the lives of their children and families; they simply don’t have the resources get over the hump.   Emily changed that for this one single school, and the 1,000 kids that will sit in the classrooms each day.   Teachers will have much better conditions to teach in, making them much more hopeful that they can make a difference. 

I cried about 5 times, seeing Emily in such an incredibly rewarding experience, and seeing just what a difference she has made.   Dane showed his true colors at this function, knowing that there are many ways a 12 year old boy can act in this type of function, possibly with indifference.   Dane also cried and was patting Emily on the back, and couldn’t stop talking about how he was so impressed by her and hoped he could do something like this one day.    Devon, Nick, Polly, Kristine, Dane, Emily, and I went to this function honoring her.   Emily was called on to say a few words and it was awesome.   She said that she was more touched by these people than she has been in a long time, and that she was committing to them that she would raise the other $2,000 to see the school completed, that they didn’t have to worry about that.  Wow, was all I could think of.  We rode back to Nile River Explorers on the back of a truck and went kayaking on the Nile.

Yesterday, we went to the Nile Special for the first time.   We spent about 4 hours flying our boats over the water in as many ways as we could think of.  Team JK was there in force and it was awesome watching them in action.  I will put up some photos for you on that next time.

Breakfast just hit the table, it is 6:56am and I am anxious to start the day.




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