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March 7, 2006

I got this email today…

Just wanted to send your family a note of thanks for how inspiring you are
to fellow kayakers. Your families passion for kayaking seems to reignite my love for it everytime I feel as though I’ve hit a plateau. After three
years of kayaking, I finally got myself into a playboat, and I’m excited for the new challenge. My upcoming summer will be spent guiding on the
Arkansas, so I’m sure the Buena Vista and Salida playholes will become my
new home. I’m looking forward to purchasing the new Beginners Playboating
DVD! When does it come out?
I also want to encourage and thank Emily for all she is doing for Soft Power Health. It is very inspiring! I have always been interested in helping
people the way she is, but as a poor college student, it is hard to find a
way to help. After following Emily’s project, and looking into Jessie’s
mission, I thought long and hard about a way I could help out. I’ve started to make some kayak necklaces to sell out in CO this summer. I’m up to about 65, and I just bought some more supplies to continue the production. I
figure that with all the competitions out there this summer, there will be
plenty of people willing to pay $10-$15 for a necklace to help the cause. I contacted Jessie and told her my plan, and let her know that if I run into
your family in CO, I will get the money to Emily to send to her.
I am attaching a picture to this email. I like drawing pictures that
inspire me to put on my wall. This picture has been my lastest
project…thought you might like to see it.

Happy paddling!




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