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April 29, 2006

Hey EJ, David Hamlet from Cookeville, TN, here with another testimonial on my 6 year old son, Cameron.

‘Cam’ is a very energetic boy who began life premature, weighing in at a whopping +2 lbs and 2 1/2 months early, as he apparently felt the need to get started early, on his life adventures. Since then, he has lived every day like it were his last. He maintains a typiical ‘will do’ attitude, driven by his T type personality.

Recently, while paddling with me, he decided that dad’s boats were too big for him to paddle solo, and ince he has become quite a ‘Dane’ fan lately I knew that a trip to Chattanooga’s Rock Creek Down and Fun 1 gear was his plan of the day. We called Rock Creek, spoke with Chris and asked him to hold the only granite yellow Fun1 in stock until we could get there later that day. Shortly after we arrived at Rock Creek, Chris had Cam outfitted in no time. Chris was super kid-friendly, and Cam clearly showed dad that it was all about he and the pro guy throughout his entire experience in boat heaven. Cam inspected every make and model there, then Chris and Cam worked out all of the gear issues, and once tried on his happy feet, he was hooked. Chris is an excellent representative for JK. Later, when I asked, ‘why yellow’, and he replied, "so you can see me in the river better dad", His exposure to my career as a helicopter medic, has taught him alot about safety and injury prevention, so he should be as safe a paddler as I could hope. So to the river we shall go..,

The next day Cam’s life as a JK paddler began. His immediate reaction was complete control, and the word for the day was ‘comfidence’. It was all thumbs up from Cam. Later and not long after Easter, Cameron asked if maybe some other kids could have gotten something this nice as an easter gift. replied, "I dont know.., but I think the Easter bunny lives in Rock Island."

To EJ, and the entire JK family and staff, thank you for providing such an outstanding product, as well as being such an inspiration to the young, old, big and small. Cam, Tracy and can contest to your ‘play together’ – ‘stay together’. Of courrse now, we parents may have just a little harder time keeping up with Cam in his new Fun 1. Hope to see you at Rock Island,

The Hamlets


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Cameron Gets His 1st White Water Kayak

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Cameron – 1st Fun1 Practice Session

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Cameron 1st Fun1 Practice Session -Thumbs Up for Jakscon Kayak

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Cam With 2 Thumbs Up For Fun1