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June 18, 2006

By Ruth Gordon. Learn more about Ruth.

Hi EJ,

Hope you’re enjoying France – sounds like it J Colorado is AMAZING! Klaas and I are like kids in a candy store.

Here are some photos and a report on our adventure on the Arkansas:

A beautiful valley with towering fourteen’s, Salida is Colorado’s paddling hotspot at this time of year. A juicy run off has left the Arkansas at playfully high levels: a perfect spot for enjoying the hot summer sun.

After the Teva Mtn Games there was a migration south to the shores of the Arkansas: most of team JK, Pyranha, Fluid, WS and locals a like converged at the Salida playspot. This was a great way to join a BIG line, or to coordinate with friends to run the different sections of the Arkansas.

Klaas and I teamed up with local Katie Selby and Dustin Urban for a weeks worth of Arkansas excitement. From the Numbers and Fractions all the way down to the Royal Gorge, the Arkansas is a Colorado gem.

Apparently I was the last to find out! Being from Canada, embarrassingly I had never even heard of the Arkansas – shocking! So this week I was educated and I now know why the Arkansas is a Colorado classic: many differing sections, great play spots, easy access and at this time of year – big water!

Unfortunately I only have photos of our time playing in the hole; enjoy the huge Jackson showing in the eddy – very impressive!

Big Smiles,



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After Stephens advice Klaas goes BIG

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Clay ends up on Stephen after a mystery attempt

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clay space godzilla

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Standard stephen stuff

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Stephen and black dog

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Stephen and black dog

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Stephen showing Klaas where to loop

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The salida hole