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Good day Erik

I want to sincerely thank you for making a boat for me. It was a very novel experience to be paddling for greater than 5 minutes and not be numb from the waist down. I was further impressed by the extensive information regarding set up and outfitting on your web site.

I am still trying to adjust to a boat that sits level, does not pearl the bow with every forward stroke, has more leg room than I thought ever possible, stays dry, spins, carves and plays well.

I have been paddling for 5 years and have never ever been comfortable in a boat. I am 6.2 and 240 pounds and had come to accept the belief that kayaking was not a sport designed with a big guys comfort in mind. That was until the day I bought a 4 fun. My friends no longer laugh hysterically at me shoe horning into a boat only to crawl out 15 minutes latter unable to stand because my lower body is completely asleep.

Thanks for recognizing that big guys like to play. You have made my year.

Rob Jabs