Paddling Life in BV by Will Richardson | May 21, 2008 | Whitewater | 0 comments By Ruth Gordon I say it all the time, ‘I am one lucky individual!’ I get to paddle and travel: sharing good times with people from all over the world. This weekend saw a large majority of the Colorado paddling community descend on CKS and Buena Vista. It was a crazy weekend of demos, hangin in the store, film premiers and straight up fun. But it was on Monday that I really got to hang with the BV locals and get the inside scoop on the upgrades to the whitewater park and the progress of South Main. Dustin and I had the park to ourselves while Katie graciously came along as our photographer (thank you Katie!). We clocked heaps of airtime and even worked on the likes of a ‘new move’ (thank you Dustin). More on that later. The features (yes, that’s right there are at least 4 good spots) are sweet and offer up a bit of everything; from a gentle green wave to the fast and the furious top hole. Over the past few days Katie has been filling me in on the developments at South Main. If you haven’t heard about it (first of all, where have you been?) you should definitely check out what Jed and Katie are up to. Basically they have started an outdoor community in BV following the principals of new urbanism. Each house has to meet certain environmental standards and architecturally fit with the feel of the community. The concept brings us back to ‘finding it all in one place’ through mixed-use residences and the pedestrian friendly environment. By doing so I think I even heard Jed stating that the local climbing was too far away – who would have thought 15 mins was too far! BV is one of my favourite CO spots and it’s the warmth of the community that makes it that way (oh, and the great play park too). Thanks for the great hospitality BV! Dustin Air Dustin out of the water Outdoor Living Room Ruth Airwheel Ruth Cleaning it up Ruth outta the water Submit a Comment Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Comment * Name * Email * Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ