The Plan by Will Richardson | Jul 26, 2008 | Whitewater | 0 comments By Jez I’ve booked my flight and have set down the plan to cram as much kayaking in over a relatively small period of time starting tomorrow. So here it is… Starting in Sydney Australia, I’ll be flying for 19 hours to the South East of the USA to do some clinics, demos and get involved in some of the Jackson Kayak Camp Instructional Tour. Then it’s off to Prague for the first part of the World Cup of Freestyle Kayaking. From there I will be shooting footage as part of a new Skippy Films DVD while participating in the World Cup. Hitting the road in the Czech Republic, we will make our way to Germany and Switzerland with the rest of the Jackson Kayak team. My last World Cup Tour was by far amazing fun and I know that this won’t be any different. Finally I’ll be flying to Nepal to paddle some of the most remote and amazing rivers in the world, just in time for the peak of their wet season. All up I think I will be flying for 60 hours, maybe more, however I really don’t mind spending such a ridiculous amount of time on a plane considering the adventure I’m about to partake on. So basically I will be heading off for a round the world kayak tour, gee, I hate my lifestyle. Paddling around the world, following the summer and the water, living the life! I really wish I was stuck in a desk job instead. 🙂 jez Jackson Kayak Coordinator of Karma Submit a Comment Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Comment * Name * Email * Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ