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February 9, 2009


By Ruth Gordon

With the passing of Title IX, Day was born to celebrate female participation in sport. At the University of Nevada, Reno (UNR) this past weekend, the athletics department hosted a great event geared at girls under 12. 250 girls (and boys) broken into small groups visited stations set-up around the basketball court. Most of the stations were university teams, everything from cheerleading and basketball to rifle and swimming.

Representing the Truckee River Foundation (TRF) Sage Donnelly and I helped to promote women in kayaking. We had all the girls sit in a boat, learn about helmets and lifejackets and spoke with them about the Truckee River.
After visiting all the stations the girls were treated to watch the UNR Women’s Basketball team game against Utah State.

This was an awesome event to remind girls that there are many sports are available to them. I hope we inspired some of them to try kayaking!


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