The Kick Flip by teamjk | Mar 4, 2010 | Intermediate Moves | 0 comments Hi boaters, So you want to see Kick Flips, Rocket Moves, Macho Moves, Wavewheels, and other sky reaching downriver moves? Well, you’ll need to make sure to get your copy of my new DVD’s coming out soon. Playboating Basics, and Advanced Playboating. Both are due out in Mid-to late April. Here is an example of the kickflip section. Look for a wave that is as steep as possible and has little or no foam on it. Photo 1: Aim for the peak with speed, begin pulling the stern under a little and pulling yourself up the face as fast as you can. Photo 2: have enough edge dropped to pull the stern under while you pull yourself up past the peak. The more vert the better without going over vert. Photo 3: Fly baby fly Photo 4 & 5: Re-entry – Throw your body to the back deck and do a back deck roll really fast. Photo 5: Go on your way. This particular wave had a little ridge running down the middle of the peak and it made a nice launch pad. The air you can get on most waves is much greater than most people think. Give it a go instead of the more common wavewheel. I can’t wait to show you the downstream aerial Pan Am Jay threw on this very wave, SICK Chris and I are editing the videos right now so stay tuned for more cool photos from the trip. EJ Submit a Comment Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Comment * Name * Email * Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ