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Cartecay River Clean Up- Quick Stop In!

Dad, Dane and I did a Chattooga run with over 26 people on Friday, paddling down in groups of about ten and when we were finished, Atlanta World Kayak Ambassador, Rick Thompson, was super fired up to have us around and wanted us to stop in the next morning at the Cartecay River Clean Up. Dad did the calculations and it would only add 45 minutes of driving but we wouldn’t be able to stay for the clean up, just stop in.

Sure enough we pulled in and boy was there a TON of people!

For some people it was their first time on the river ever, others first time this season. I have to say this is one awesome way to get on the river as you are not only going to enjoy the greatest sport in the world- kayaking, but you are also leaving the world a better place!

We met a lot of interesting people and signed a couple boats, everyone seemed super fired up and just plain happy that the sun was out and the water was running!

We left before they all launched on the river, but I can only imagine it was a sight to see….

This was Rick’s first event as an ambassador and he sure does know how to add more participation.

With a Throw Rope- Throw Down, following the event. Rick and Francheska created some awesome targets and had me do a couple test runs. I nailed it after much doubt from Dad and Dane…. (THANKS GUYS!)

Big thanks to all the people who are helping keep out Rivers Clean and Flowing.

Be Sure to Join American Whitewater if you haven’t already.

And if you see a piece of trash on the river, be sure to pick it up!

Thanks to everyone, I am sure the Cartecay looks much better today!

Emily Jackson