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The Bass Bite, Defection Connection

Certain situations can create a reaction bite from the family of fish known as the bass. One that gets little attention (except from the fish) is the deflection strike. Through summer and into fall the bass receive a lot of fishing pressure and can become “lure shy”. The remedy to this can be changes to lure size, lure type, retrieve speed or even the use of live baits. One technique I discovered by accident was the deflection bite.

The Bass Bite, Defection Connection

The Set Up –

Because are object oriented, they will hide or hover around various forms of cover. This can occur in deep or shallow water but without a doubt, or at least in my experience, they are more susceptible to the deflection bite in water of eight feet or less. In the underwater world of the bass cover can be rocks, docks, fallen wood or different types of aquatic vegetation. Each of these qualifies as a target for the deflection hit and deserves consideration and a cast (or two).

The Technique –

Most of my success has occurred when I determine a potential place and launch a cast PAST the spot. I can control the depth of the bait and therefore decide where and when the lure will strike the hard target. As the lure enters the deflection zone you want it to intentionally hit the object and cause it to change direction, this is the moment of truth when the bass emerges to “punish” the intruder. Depending on the size of the object it may take multiple casts but often the initial presentation draws the strike. In many instances if you have multiple objects for example boulder rock and a fallen tree *(SEE PHOTO) you vastly increase your chances of bagging a bass.

The Bass Bite, Defection Connection

Basic Baits –

Any bait qualifies as a potential deflection type lure. A jig “ripped” through moss could trigger a strike. A buzzbait cast along side a dock that brushes a corner might draw a hit. Likewise, a spinnerbait striking a submerged tree branch could get bit. One scenario that has me holding my breath is the “bump a stump” with a square bill crankbait. The cast followed by cranking the bait down and then the bounce off the wood will usually score if fish is nestled at the base of the tree trunk. Another is the excitement of the already visually appealing topwater explosion is accented even more by the directional change of the buzzer to the waiting bass.

The rods and reels don’t require any change. It’s braid on my jig and soft plastic sets, medium action rods and monofilament for the crankbaits, spinners and topwaters. Keep your line fresh and tie a good knot. If you aren’t convinced that it’s the best knot you can tie..retie until you’re confident. Because you are intentionally bumping, bouncing, scrapping cover check the last few feet of your line often.

It’s important to be alert and not anticipate the strike so much that you pull the bait away from the fish. I do recommend maintaining some distance from the fish that allows and accurate cast and still facilitates and good hook set. Again, advantage, the quiet inherent in the kayak approach. This type of fishing also can create a very distinct pattern. In the past the strength of the current and redirected water flow is one consideration. Fallen trees on bluff banks can be a gold mine. Allow yourself to imagine a situation where you can apply the deflection connection, it’s exciting and effective.