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Submitted by Adam Pross

It’s funny how we are so focused on time in our lives. From the moment I wake up in the morning, the clock starts ticking as I go through my work day and my family life. I guess I could say I wish I had 26 hours in a day, not 24. The one thing true erases time is when I’m out on the water paddling my Jackson Liska. I’m so focused on my kayaking expedition that the clock in my head doesn’t exist. It’s kinda like I’m putting a pause at the wheel of time. My wilderness changes every time I paddle a body of water. The Fitbit that counts all my steps through the day is always on my wrist as my paddle comes up and out of the water. I guess I’m lost in time, captivated by nature. Don’t get me wrong, it’s very easy to lose track of time and find yourself in a situation you might not want to encounter.

Just listen to what Mother Nature is offering you. The sounds of dragonflies or the blue heron stepping through the marsh. The rumbling sound of a bullfrog in the pads. It’s a therapeutic experience launching that hollow white body frog a country mile into the pads. Slowly twitching that frog side to side to pause just for a moment to swat a few from your neck. As that rod moves, that frog is inhaled. What you came out for was a break from time. But in the end, you just created another fantastic memory in time. Kayak fishing is my passion. Not every adventure offers successful fishing because that would be called catching , which would sound strange “I’m going catching”.

Kayak fishing offers me a therapeutic session and an opportunity to just forget about time. I honestly think people will be much less stressed and happier when you take the time to enjoy Mother Nature’s landscape and see what’s out there. I’m definitely not someone who can be kept inside all day. I was definitely born to be outside exploring this great landscape in our own backyard. To anyone who is looking for a new hobby and really enjoys fishing, I suggest you give kayak fishing a try. It might just be the best thing you ever tried because I know it sure was for me. I read a great quote by Jason Peterson that said ” Black and white photography erases time from the equation.”