Hotel Charley 3 Review by Will Richardson | May 8, 2008 | Whitewater | 0 comments By Ben Stookesberry Hey Guys, I just wanted to say thanks again for showing the video at the festival this past weekend. I think everyone really enjoyed it. I know I enjoy every video of yours that I have seen. Also, Jesse, thanks for the help with the raffle and thanks for bringing the dry top for us. I appreciate it. Finally, Jesse you asked me after the movie what it was about it that I liked and I didnt articulate it very well. After watching the rush’s source I thought about it some more and here are some thoughts. As much fun as kayak porn is, i feel that some movies concentrate too much on making themselves look cool. or try too hard to make them selves seem deep. I like the way the stories are told in the hotel charlie/no big name series. They arent told in a look at how cool we are sort of way, it seems like the movies are as much for yourselves for the memories as they are for others to watch/buy. Also, I like the mix of story and boating, I think this one had the right pace… not too much story and not all boating and both at good lengths. I like the music choice… little known bands with a nice sound to them, music that supports the feel of the water being shown at the time. Finally, something that became very obvious to me when I watched the source (not to bash it though) but Rush had one of the best pieces of footage I had ever seen (when it was on LVM) where he was forced to hand paddle cherry bomb. However, in order to make it fit with his music choice (or maybe just so he looked more hard core) he edited the hell out of it and i think he took most of what was impressive in the first place out of the footage. I havent seen that with you guys. You dont just show the guy dropping over the drop upside down, you show what got him there in the first place, i like that. Well anyways, hopefully this is all better feedback that what I managed Saturday night. So, thanks again. See you guys around. And if you guys ever need another online spot to get trailers or updates out, feel free to drop me a line and I would be happy to post your clips on my site. Daniel Submit a Comment Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Comment * Name * Email * Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ