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Sometimes after (or in the middle of) a long week, there’s nothing like a classic run to scratch that paddling itch. For me, one of my backyard favorites is the Sinks to the Elbows on the Little River.
Only 45 minutes from Knoxville, TN, this run has water for most of the winter and drops slowly after rain events. There’s also an easy online USGS gauge to check flows.
Mostly class III with a few sprinkled in class IVs, this action packed run is full of multiple fun routes where you can explore different lines. I love trying to catch new eddies as I go, or change it up with a challenging ferry.
Even at low water, I am also surprised by the fun I have on this run, every time I go. Especially when I haven’t been able to get out on the water in a while, I always come home from the Little feeling refreshed and re-energized.
So even if you’ve been 10, 50, or 100 times, don’t underestimate the power of a local favorite. Sometimes it’s just what you need to shake off the daily grind funk. ~Diane Brasuell (Gaydos)