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L-E-A-V-E Teaching Acronym for River Ferries, Eddy Turns, & Peel Outs

L-E-A-V-E Teaching Acronym for River Ferries, Eddy Turns, & Peel Outs

Teaching kayaking since 2009, I’ve learned all sorts of different acronyms to remember when ferrying from Point A to Point B across river currents, entering a river eddy with an eddy turn, and exiting a river eddy with a peel out. These are essential maneuvers for all...

So much good kayaking

My last post mentioned the classic joy section of the Mitta Mitts River. The Cobungra River is a creek that confluences with the Mitta Mitta about a third of the way down. There are 3 distinct sections to the Cobungra and if you put them all together it’s...