Upper Caney Fork Run- When all you need is Kayaking! by Boyd Ruppelt | Feb 8, 2012 | WhitewaterAs kayakers, we tend to need whitewater the most when everything goes wrong and we need an outlet or relief from our daily lives. Few of us are able to escape the “real world” even as sponsored kayakers because we still have to get day jobs and exist in...
The Zen hits the Upper Caney Fork- Review by Jeff Leach by Boyd Ruppelt | Feb 5, 2012 | Whitewater, ZenI recently had the pleasure of creeking with a friend I met in Colorado on a big day on OBJ, Jeff Leach. He brought with him, the Zen! It’s a great looking boat, perfect all round size for river running of any style. This boat acted like it was made for the...